Steve’s Flowers and Gifts Inc.

Founded in 1973, Steve’s Flowers and Gifts Inc. has 2 convenient locations, one in Indianapolis, Indiana, and one in Greenwood, Indiana. We have same day delivery on orders placed by noon.

When you send flowers, put your trust in your local, family owned, Indianapolis florist, Steve’s Flowers And Gifts. We guarantee your satisfaction regardless of what you order. Our talented design staff can transform your vision into reality. We carry a complete line of gift items, plush, candy, balloons, and plants. We specialize in parties, corporate event planning and weddings. We feature creative remembrance bouquets.

With a greenhouse, card and gift display area, design room, plant department, and a large receiving and delivery area, Steve’s Flowers and Gifts supplies our customers with exceptional service and a comfortable setting for shopping and browsing. Through the years, we have focused on delivering excellent quality in designs. We have an expanded design center which allows us to monitor quality control and ensure customer satisfaction. Steve’s Flowers and Gifts also offers the convenience of  ordering online at

Step into Spring in style with bright, beautiful and fresh flowers  designed by Steve’s Flowers and Gifts Inc.

Spring Fling Dish Garden Plant

Spring Fling

Spring is one of the four temperate seasons and favored by many. As the days start to get longer and nights shorter, the temperatures begin to rise. This rise in temperature brings about beautiful colors in nature as trees and plants begin to bud out in various shades of white, pink and lavender.  Springtime in the Northern Hemisphere is opposite of the Southern Hemisphere where it is autumn. For example, the spring months in the United States and United Kingdom are March, April and May. Whereas in Australia and New Zealand the spring months are September, October and November.  It is defined in Sweden as the first occasion on which the average temperature exceeds zero degrees Celsius.

As the axis of the earth increases its tilt toward the Sun, the amount of daylight and warmth increases also. This is when the snow masses begin to melt causing streams to swell. Also, animal and plant activity start to be more active.

Of course less pleasant occurrences may also begin to happen. As the warmer air begins to meet the colder air that is still streaming in from the North and South Poles, it can cause violent thunder storms, hail and tornadoes. Plus all of the melting snow and ice commonly causes flooding. The streams are sometimes at capacity so there is no where for the water to go but to spill over the banks and cause flooding.

For the most part Spring is a welcomed time of year. It brings the promise of warm weather, more opportunity to enjoy the outdoors and the magnificent colors of budding flowers and plants. Our professional flora designers at Steve’s Flowers and Gifts, would be delighted to assist with a lovely Spring bouquet or arrangement of colorful Spring flowers!

Melt Into Spring Flower Arrangement

Melt Into Spring