Steve’s Flowers and Gifts Inc.
Family Owned and Operated
Steve’s Flowers and Gifts Inc. was founded in 1973 by Steve and Linda Huth. As Steve was attending college, he worked for a local flower shop, delivering, doing odd jobs, and eventually designing. Steve had dreams of opening his own floral facility on the south side of Indianapolis, and when opportunity came, he went to work to make it happen. His philosophy from the start was making sure his customers were happily satisfied. The dedication and commitment towards his goal allowed Steve to move into a larger facility in 1976, and opened a second location in the fast growing town of Greenwood in 1982. In October of 1988, Steve designed and had built his own building which consists of 7,000 square feet.
“Our Mission is to Establish and Maintain the Highest Level of Floral Value and Customer Service at Comfortable Consumer Prices Along with Creating a Team-Oriented, Core Value Driven, Work Environment That is Personable, Caring, and Customer Focused”
When you Send Flowers, Put Your Trust In Your Local, Family Owned, Indianapolis Florist, Steve’s Flowers And Gifts, For Efficient, Secure, And Dependable Service. We guarantee your satisfaction regardless of what you order. Our talented design staff can transform your vision into reality. We carry a complete line of gift items, plush, candy, balloons, and plants. We specialize in parties, corporate event planning and weddings. We feature creative Remembrance Bouquets.
The most festive Halloween flower arrangements to decorate your home can be found at Steve’s Flowers and Gifts!
Wicked and Wonderful Mug
Halloween games, traditions and covid safe activities
For most of 2020 all of our lives have been changed. The pandemic has been stressful to say the least. We are now faced with discovering ingenious new ways to do things. Practicing all of the safety guidelines we must follow to stay healthy and keep others safe as well has been and will continue to be challenging. Take for example the tradition of Halloween trick or treating. This is always such a fun time for our little one dressing up as their favorite Disney or Super Hero character. Now we need to look at some other ways to celebrate.
Bobbing for apples or “dooking” as the Scots call it, has been around for centuries. Apples are placed in a large tub of water. As they are floating children take turns trying to grab the apples with their teeth. Another method is to hold a fork between the teeth while kneeling on a chair and try to stab the apple. Still another old tradition was to hang syrup coated scones from strings and have the children try to eat the scone without using their hands to touch it. These date back for centuries but not as popular as they once were.
In Ireland and Britain, a long standing adult Halloween tradition was to predict the future partner or spouse of someone. This was done by peeling an apple in one single strip. Once complete the apple peeling was thrown over the shoulder. It was expected that when the peeling fell to the ground it would spell the first letter of the name of someone’s future spouse.
Another old tradition in that part of the world was to roast hazelnuts on an open fire. The person roasting would name one hazelnut for themselves and one for the person they wanted to be with. If the hazelnuts jumped away from the heat it was a bad sign that they should not be together. If the hazelnuts roasted quietly together it was good sign that the two people were meant for each other.
Modern day games are creative and fun for children and adults. Plus some may be safe for smaller groups depending on CDC guidelines. Here are just a few ideas for fun Halloween games:
- Witches’ Hat Toss – Most people love ring toss. In this game you can use witches hats instead of rings.
- Spider Web Walking Game – A web is created using painters tape on the floor. Kids have to stay on the web and collect prizes left at various spots.
- Do It Yourself Halloween Bubbles – Let kids chase bubbles and bring them as party gifts instead of candy.
- Halloween Bowling Game – Decorate empty tin cans like Halloween ghosts and ghouls. Then kids can roll balls to knock them down
There are numerous other games for Halloween. In order to provide a guideline for activities that are safe and those that are strongly advised against, the CDC has published a specific list:
These lower risk activities can be safe alternatives:
- Carving or decorating pumpkins with members of your household and displaying them
- Carving or decorating pumpkins outside, at a safe distance, with neighbors or friends
- Decorating your house, apartment, or living space
- Doing a Halloween scavenger hunt where children are given lists of Halloween-themed things to look for while they walk outdoors from house to house admiring Halloween decorations at a distance
- Having a virtual Halloween costume contest
- Having a Halloween movie night with people you live with
- Having a scavenger hunt-style trick-or-treat search with your household members in or around your home rather than going house to house
Avoid these higher risk activities to help prevent the spread of the virus that causes COVID-19:
- Participating in traditional trick-or-treating where treats are handed to children who go door to door
- Having trunk-or-treat where treats are handed out from trunks of cars lined up in large parking lots
- Attending crowded costume parties held indoors
- Going to an indoor haunted house where people may be crowded together and screaming
- Going on hayrides or tractor rides with people who are not in your household
- Using alcohol or drugs which can cloud judgement and increase risky behaviors
- Traveling to a rural fall festival that is not in your community if you live in an area with community spread of COVID-19
Let the fantastic floral designers at Steve’s Flowers and Gifts design that perfect Halloween flower arrangement to brighten up your home.
Bittersweet Symphony
Steve’s Flowers and Gifts is a locally owned family florist. Since 1973 we have been delivering flowers and plants across Indianapolis, Greenwood and surrounding areas.
Fresh green and variegated plants and planters, hand delivered in the Indianapolis, Greenwood, Pendleton, and surrounding areas, are uniquely designed in baskets and novelty containers including terrariums. Choose from blooming plants, green plants, and seasonal plants as a way to express your sympathy for a funeral, thank you gift, welcome a new baby, or as a get well.
Thank you for reading our blog. Please visit us for your floral product needs!