Steve’s Flowers and Gifts Inc.

Steve’s Flowers and Gifts Inc. has 2 convenient locations, one in Indianapolis, Indiana, and one in Greenwood, Indiana. We have same day delivery on orders placed by noon.

When you send flowers, put your trust in your local, family owned, Indianapolis florist, Steve’s Flowers And Gifts. We guarantee your satisfaction regardless of what you order. Our talented design staff can transform your vision into reality. We carry a complete line of gift items, plush, candy, balloons, and plants. We specialize in parties, corporate event planning and weddings. We feature creative remembrance bouquets.

With a greenhouse, card and gift display area, design room, plant department, and a large receiving and delivery area, Steve’s Flowers and Gifts supplies our customers with exceptional service and a comfortable setting for shopping and browsing. Through the years, we have focused on delivering excellent quality in designs. We have an expanded design center which allows us to monitor quality control and ensure customer satisfaction. Steve’s Flowers and Gifts also offers the convenience of  ordering online at

Shop with Steve’s Flowers and Gifts to purchase beautiful Flowers, Plants and Gift Baskets for Administrative Professionals Day!


Teleflora's Busy Bee Pitcher Bouquet Bouquet

Busy Bee Pitcher Bouquet

Administrative Professionals Day

The United States, Canada, Hong Kong and Malaysia will observe Administrative Professionals Day on April 22nd the last Wednesday in April. This day is sometimes referred to as Secretaries Day or Admin Day. New Zealand will observe the day on the third Wednesday in April. In Belgium, France and the Netherlands it is observed on the third Thursday in April.  Australia on the first Friday of May, and South Africa on the first Wednesday of September.

Recognition of Administrative Professionals is directed to  secretaries, administrative assistants, executive assistants, personal assistants,  receptionists, client services representatives, and other administrative support professionals. Typically thank you cards, flowers, chocolates, and lunches are a few of the most common gestures of appreciation.

The Great Depression, which largely took place during the 1930’s, created a declining birth rate. The years following also created a demand and focus on rebuilding the business economy.  Combining these two events created an overwhelming shortage of administrative workers. To help aid in this problem, The National Secretaries Association was formed in 1942.  This groups purpose was to increase appreciation for those that worked in the administrative field and to encourage others to consider making this a career pursuit.

Those that were considered to influence the creation of the National Secretaries Association were Mary Barrett, C. King Woodbridge, Daren Ball and  Harry F. Klemfuss. Mary Barrett was the president of the Association. C. King Woodbridge was the president of the Dictaphone Corporation. Daren Ball and Harry Klemfuss were public relation account executives at Young and Rubicam.

Administrative Professionals are commonly held in high esteem. Many work tirelessly and go above and beyond to keep things working smoothly. Gaining the respect and admiration of their co-workers, bosses and customers, they deserve to be rewarded by having a day dedicated to them. To honor someone on Administrative Professionals Day,  please visit Steve’s Flowers and Gifts. Our talented floral designers will prepare a perfect flower arrangement, green plant or gift basket!


Teleflora's Stained Glass Orchid Plant

Stained Glass Orchid

Steve’s Flowers and Gifts Mission

“Our Mission is to Establish and Maintain the Highest Level of Floral Value and Customer Service at Comfortable Consumer Prices Along with Creating a Team-Oriented, Core Value Driven, Work Environment That is Personable, Caring, and Customer Focused”

When you Send Flowers, Put Your Trust In Your Local, Family Owned, Indianapolis Florist, Steve’s Flowers And Gifts, For Efficient, Secure, And Dependable Service.

We guarantee your satisfaction regardless of what you order. Our talented design staff can transform your vision into reality.

We carry a complete line of gift items, plush, candy, balloons, and plants. We specialize in parties, corporate event planning and weddings. We feature creative Remembrance Bouquets.

We have 2 convenient locations, one in Indianapolis, Indiana, and one in Greenwood, Indiana. We have same day delivery on orders placed by noon.

3150 East Thompson Road

Indianapolis, IN 46227

Hours: Monday through Friday, 8 am to 6 pm. Saturday 8 am to 5 pm.  Sunday, showroom Open 11:00am to 3:00pm 

 2900 Fairview Place 

Greenwood, IN 46142

Hours: Monday through Friday, 9 am to 6 pm. Saturday 9 am to 5 pm. Closed Sunday.

During this time, we invite you to visit Steve’s Flowers and Gifts either at our online ordering site or call us. Thank you for reading our Blog!